Moodboard – 3 ways how & why you should create one for your next shoot
Once I had a two hours shoot planned in a studio in Singapore. After setting lights photographer turned to me, gave me his baby oil and asked me to apply it for some sculpture shoot. Alright, even though he did not mention that idea before, I was sort of ok with that. But what he […]

How to look like a pro – 8 odd situations we should avoid on photoshoot and save the day
We models talk – not just the chitchat such as discussing clothes (well, we do too) but also sharing tips, good or bad references and also the craziest or weirdest requests or experience we had been through on shoot. So thinking how to make this whole thing clear and help photographers understand models better and […]

If I would pay a model for a photo session, what can I expect? EXPLAINED- difference between TFP and PAID models
When you are searching through models portfolios, checking photos and BIOs, you might find the selection of “Compensation”: Paid Assignments Only, Depends on Assignment or good old “Time for print” (TFP) option. Most models offer their rates via private message, some of them write rates directly to BIO- and especially if you don’t have a clue […]

Model Release – why, what + PDF form to download
What is model release? Model release is a simple form, signed after a photoshoot to give photographer rights to use the photos after the shoot. It’s highly recommended to obtain a complete model release after any shoot – without a release your ability to do anything with the photos can be sharply limited. “A model release, […]

6 proven ways how to find model for photoshoot
Finding a model is like a list which women have when looking for ideal man – pretty, reliable, responsible, sexy; not completely dumb, easy to talk to… and many other points. It might seem like a rocket science, but not really; I would say there are more models than photographers nowadays (which means bigger competition […]

Outfits & props for a photoshoot – ideas and inspiration
There is a good thing about booking a professional model – those models have plenty of outfits from fashion, sexy style up to variety of lingerie and heels ready for a shoot. This is a big advantage – even though some photographers might disagree as those outfits have been shot and seen many times and […]

5 activities to improve your skills and attract more clients for paid photoshoot
Spoke with few friends, who are expecting a baby and looking for pregnancy shoot/ looking for a photographer for their wedding/ looking for couples photographs/ looking to make some nice photos for a family calendar etc.…people are still looking for photographers. But I also asked them WHY they picked this guy, this photographer? What was […]

Photoshoot vouchers – 6 ways to satisfy your clients when they expect unicorns
Christmas are coming – yay! I have literally no gifts bought nor any vision, and I actually haven’t even seen any calendars for 2024- I hope they will show up, otherwise I will be quite worried there is something wrong. Online services are running on 110% and people running out of ideas what to give […]